

For as long as time has been recorded, we’ve found people who look up at the night sky and tell stories. It’s one of the oldest, and most uniquely human actions we know about. Given how much nighttime light we’re exposed to on a nightly basis, one of the easiest activities has never been harder. Which is a damn shame.

Stargazing keeps you grounded. It’s not designed to entertain you. It makes you aware of how small you are in the grand scheme of the universe, but not like anything else I’ve run into. It doesn’t belittle your experiences, life, or anxieties, but gently reminds you about the vastness of the universe around you. It’s not a detox, but a resetting.


What Do I Need To Get Started?


Your eyes

  • Hear me out. The best way to start is just to do it, without any equipment.

  • In the right circumstances, you can see quite a bit with just your eyes.

  • There’s no commitment or waiting involved, just doing.


  • Even the cheapest pair of binoculars can substantially step up your stargazing experience.

  • Would strongly recommend using them on the moon and nearby planets.

  • Portable, so you can set up at the best spots without too much trouble (especially good if you’re hiking).



  • Once you decide you’re very dedicated to stargazing, get a telescope.

  • I would recommend the hundred dollar range to maximize cost/benefits

  • Seriously, wait until you’re committed before buying.


Something to lay on

  • For stargazing longer than 15 minutes (which I recommend), you need a thick blanket to lay on and keep you warm.

  • Two blankets can leave you with a pillow too, which would be ideal.

  • Combine with a portable speaker for a real good time but be mindful of anyone around you. If you need a stellar playlist, here’s my mix.


Really Warm Clothes

  • You really want to maximize the coziness factor when stargazing, trust me.

  • The blanket will cover a lot, but make sure your head, hands, and toes are especially padded.

  • A beanie that doubles as a pillow would also be a nice touch, but that depends on your style.


Red Flashlight

  • If you really want to think ahead, you can get a red flashlight (for like 8 bucks on Amazon).

  • It allows you to keep your night vision without fumbling around in the dark when you’re moving.

  • Kind of limited use though, so I guess keep that in mind


 How do I get started?
