Expand Your Horizons


The Extract is here for a simple reason: life shouldn’t be lived in a box. We take complicated, inaccessible, or underappreciated topics and try to give you the best starting position you need to jump into it. Every post will break down a new concept in the most interesting way possible, using a new artist to express it. Stick around to learn something new.

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Best Way To Do It, How To Make It Happen, and Why It Maters

World Religions

How They Work, Who Started Them, and What They Believe


Knowledge Is Everything.

Not just in a vague, passive sense either. Knowledge can change the world and radically transform individuals. But too often it gets stuck with the experts and becomes inaccessible for the people who would could really use it. When faced with the downward trend of reading, understanding, and thought, we have to push back. Which is why The Extract exists. I am fighting to expand the boundaries -- taking on entrenched inaccessibility on one end and disconnected ignorance on the other.
